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Blood test

The following tests are carried out internally:

Hematologic test

Provides information on red and white blood cells and of platelets This is important for the diagnosis of inflammation, tumors, allergies etc. etc. This research is conducted with highly sophisticated equipment using usually supplemented by examining a swab of blood. The hematological examination is performed with the LaserCyte.

Clinical chemistry blood test

Provides information on the functioning of the various organs and metabolism. With this research we can make more than 20 differential diagnosis! The clinical-chemical blood test is carried out with the Catalyst.

Hormonal diagnosis

The main tests we carry out ourselves are:

  • Progesterone test
  • T-4 (thyroxine) and TSH-test (thyroid function testing)

For these tests, we have the Immulite Plus, the most accurate machine that exists for these tests.

Blood tests for pathogens

With the aid of a number of snap-tests, we can test your animals for: FeLV, FIV, Borrelia (Lyme disease), heart worm and Ehrlichia. A positive result means that your animal has had contact with the pathogen, and is possibly ill.

So far, everything “in house”, so very fast results!

Various blood tests

For certain diagnosis, we still need the help of external laboratories. For example, research on Herpes (breeding!), research on hereditary diseases (HCM, PKD) and the blood examination at certain purebred cats.

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