Sometimes it is necessary to hospitalise a pet for a short or long period of time.
Hospitalisation of your pet
Although we strive to get pets as quickly as possible at home after treatment, it is nevertheless sometimes necessary to hospitalise a pet for short or long periods of time in the clinic. This is usually pets that have major surgery, or animals with large and/or extensive injuries, which need a lot of care, and animals impossible to maintain at home because they pollute their environment, such as severe diarrhoea, blood loss or incontinence. Animals that are on a drip cannot go home, and also animals that need absolute pen rest, for example, after orthopedic surgery, are often hospitalised in the clinic.
During hospitalisation, we periodically walk, feed and take the temperature of your pet. We do everything in our power to make your pet feel as comfortable as possible, but our ultimate goal is to get your pet back home as soon as possible.
Rest after the operation
We deliberately try to restrict access to hospitalised animals to a minimum. Partly because the work in the clinic will go on and partly because a visit (and especially the departure at the end of the visit) can upset the animal. It is better to call occasionally to hear how well your pet is doing. If there is something really special happens, we will of course contact you.