Laser therapy
Laser therapy is used successfully in the treatment of many acute and chronic diseases.
Recovery stimulation
Laser therapy is a treatment with (laser) light. The photons in the laser light will be absorbed in the tissues of the body, and there they spread their energy to the surroundings. The result is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and healing-promoting effect.
Laser therapy is used successfully in the treatment of many acute and chronic conditions, such as:
- Skinconditions: hotspot, between toe eczema, Canine lick granuloma, (delayed) wound healing, fistulas, lip fold eczema
- Orthopedic diseases: arthritis, back pain, tendinitis
- Neurological problems: loss of nerve functions, inoperable hernia
- Pain relief: painful wounds, hernia
- Chronic gingivitis
- Etc. etc.
Prevention of Swelling
Laser therapy is further often applied by us after surgery, in order to prevent pain and swelling of the wound. A laser therapy consists of one or a few treatments. Anesthesia is not necessary because the treatment is painless and well tolerated by the animals. For treatments to the head the animal will get (as practitioner and owner) some goggles.